Whois Service
Minataur 2 contains a table whois with additional data for accounts such as name, site, discord, etc. To set these fields, you must send a transaction to the special address with a memo where the specified field and value are separated :
After receiving the transaction, the data will be changed for the address from which the transaction was sent.
Whois Service Address
click on address to copy to clipboard
Transaction example
mina client send-payment \
  -amount 0.001 \
  -receiver B62qitftuJ1ijio4SQZBzMe25gEd6Ao2Nbt4jNZ3ogEpmkr1EBdQkbx \
  -fee 0.08 \
  -memo 'site:minataur.net' \
  -sender B62qn7xfSA93rMAAfxze5DwrJEpa6251Y1dkDmsNjMkhnX2LvzsCp3w
Available Fields
name any value
site address without protocol (Ex: minataur.net)
telegram nickname (Ex: vasya_pupkin)
discord nickname (Ex: vasya_pupkin)
email valid email format
twitter nickname (Ex: vasya_pupkin)
github github name (Ex: olton)
logo link to logo image
desc any value
fee Pool fee, value from 0 to 100